Bugger that!
Ok so unfortunately the Festival has been moved to MARCH 7th? I think. Anyway, that's better as I have 4 assignments including a dissertation due for Feb 13th (its a Friday!) and its a lorra lorra work!
But i will re post a new poster soon. I'm also gonna post pics of the art in process so you can see the stages of my collection. I'm totally excited as all my fabric came through the other day...including some gold lame...woooo!
I just bought Grace Jones new album, and I have to say after 19 years of waiting (I had good taste as a child) it does not disappoint. William's Blood, the new single, is fucking fantastic. We <3 grace. Oh and come to her gig in January as well! Only UK tour - unbelievable!
Grace in Paintlove love love x