Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Prague Writers' Festival

The Prague Writers' Festival is the 1-5 Junes and I am participating as a photographer for ONE Magazine who are exclusively covering it!!!

I've not been since I was 15 so I can't wait and will be posting some photos soon!



Monday, May 5, 2008

Jim Lambie - GOMA exhibition

My mate Daniel and I went to see the new Jim Lambie exhibit, Forever Changes, in Glasgow's Modern art gallery. I've been a fan of monsieur Lambie since his Turner Prize installation in 2005 ... but I have to say I think his 2004 installation view, Mental Oyster (2nd pic below), in the Anton Kern Gallery New York was inspiring.



The one in Glasgow was spectacular, the floor design was done to perfection and the High Gloss Chair / Patent Bag structure is excellent. Go see for yourself!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dave DuPuy FotographiEEE

My talented friend David DuPuy of 14th Street Photography fame (Don't know the web addy) came down to Love Shine on Sunday and did some shots that is. Here are some of me enjoying the sun with my collection!




Thursday, May 1, 2008